Our tastings


Iemu Spizzicannu

At the entrance you will be greeted by the staff of the Enoteca dell’Etna who will take you on a tour of traditions that will aim to give the visitor unique experiences.
A brief explanation will allow you to have information on Ragalna, on the traditions, on the population and on the “Arena family”, a family from which the complex where the Etna Enoteca is located, “Palmento Arena” takes its name.

Information and costs
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A Scialata

At the entrance you will be greeted by the staff of the Enoteca dell’Etna who will take you on a tour of traditions that will aim to give the visitor unique experiences.
A brief explanation will allow you to have information on Ragalna, on the traditions, on the population and on the “Arena family”, a family from which the complex where the Etna Enoteca is located, “Palmento Arena” takes its name.

Information and costs
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